Where things will go your way...or they won't

Monday, February 4, 2008

18 and 1!!!

This was the greatest upset I have ever seen.

DJ Gallo on the five stages of Patriot fan grief.

Simmons hears the chants.

Money quote:

Finally, can you guess the last thing we heard as we were walking (OK, hustling) out of the stadium right after the final play? That's right, it was the sound of euphoric Giants fans chanting, "Eighteen and one! Eighteen and one! Eighteen and one!" Yes, it's safe to say the Boston-New York rivalry has been taken to new heights. As a tennis umpire would say, "Advantage, New York."

Eighteen and one! Eighteen and one! Eighteen and one!

I can still hear them. I will always hear them.

1 comment:

P said...

Fancy poetic blog. Plus ten